Thursday, February 09, 2006

Message from us...

We would like to thank our fans for their support... But instead of saying 'fans' we should talk about friends, because we don't consider anyone who likes our music - or anyone else, except for George- as being below us.

We would like to express the positive fellings and vibrations we get from YOU, even if we understood since a long time ago that it won't always be 'wahoos!' and 'Yahoos!'.

So, we thank all those who sent us their 'compliments' on this blog or else where. We hopefully managed to reply to those persons, who always leave their name or their E-mail adress.

Thanks also to those who don't like Xbreed because consensus has never been our aim, and because rock music is about everything but consensus.

We would also like to reply to some 'anonyms' through this blog because we can't find another way to bring answers to their questions.

It is true that our blog is not updated daily and we are sorry for that, really... But as you must surely know, we don't have any team of any sort doing the job for the five of us...And, by the way, it is also because we really don't consider ourselves as being star-acts that no daily update is done : our lives is not more interesting than anyones'...However it is true that whenever there is an upcoming event, this blog will talk about it.
(anyone who wants to receive a notification of update should join the yahoo !group by clicking somewhere on this this way, no need to check everyday...check when there is something new!!helps you save time.)

Finally, concerning our apparent over-confidence, we would like to apologize if in some way it might look offending... But we are proud because of the love people show to us and our music, and at no point in this journey did we ever think that we were on top of anything.

Xbreed is about live performance, people shouting, singing and bouncing...Xbreed is about live exhilaration!! If ever tomorrow rises over our downfall(if we become 'has-beens') we will accept it, because its listeners who decide.

"To be yourself is all that you can do..." Audioslave


Anonymous said...

Je suis un ami proche du groupe et tiens à préciser que les musiciens qui forment Crossbreed ont galéré pour finalement sortir leur premier album. Ils en sont fiers, et c'est à juste titre. Mais de là à dire qu'ils se croient déjà de grandes stars, vous vous méprennez.
A l'avenir, veuillez svp laisser des critiques constructives plutot . Merci

Anonymous said...

ON-VEUT-DES-PHO-TOS du concert au BA-NA-NA samedi soir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C'était Super!

Anonymous said...

Faut pas vous en faire les gars, y a des enflures partout sur cette planet. En particulier a maurice. Meme si vous etes devenu un ti peu fezeur, ca se comprend :) non je rigole, c'etait pour taquiner. Mais le concert saturday canon, si a chaque fois c'est la mem performance b mari likimama (on peut jurer sur ce blog la?). Mais faites attention, parce que si a chak fois vous faites 4 heure de concert comme ca, vous allez mourir parce que en voyant la gueule de Roro apré, il etait mort le pauvre. Mais il s'est donné a fond, mari top de le voir comme ca, et fix you la guitar pareil. L'emotion full. WOW

Anonymous said...

Moi je trouve que y`a pas assez de photos du bassiste sur le blog...., il degage tellement sur scene, je craque!!!
allez.... quelques photos de lui svp......

Anonymous said...

salut, moi je vient souvent a vos concerts, si ce n`est pas tous....
j`adore votre groupe, votre musique est top et les musiciens dégage une bonne énergie sur scene.
Quelqu`un a mis comme commentaire que vous étiez `over confident et star act`
Je suis pas totalement d`accord, mais... je peut le comprendre, car, ceux qui ne vous connaissent pas, peuvent parfois mal interpréter l`attitude du chanteur sur scene, qui de temps en temps, fait un peu sa star... sans vouloir le vexer... c`est son role, oui, mais boire, grogner ou faire la gueule sur scene, ça passe pas trop pour les étrangers... même si c rare, car la plus part du temps, il dégage beaucoup de positif avec une voix super puissante et tripante!!!! je l`adore....
Juste un conseil faites gaffe à votre réputation car vous êtes très bon et risquez d`aller loin dans votre musique!
bravo encore....

Anonymous said...

Oh la la!! je vois que les mauvaises langues ne perdent pa de tem pour attaquer!!
Alors franchement sil y en a ki ont rien a fer .. ou ki sony jaloux..ou ki sont carrement mechant.. franchement moi je connais 5 gars... PUISSANTS!!!!! Qui jouent en plus d ela bonne musique, qui samusent sur scene, ki sont super sympas...

Pour ceux ki naiment pas .. ben on vous oblige a rien hein!! Toute facons... on peu pa plaire a tout le monde... Gardez juste vos remarques (tres deplace) pour vou!!
Je vous di encore bravo et a tres biento jespere.... Un pti banana, pkoi pa!!??? ;-)

Anonymous said...

sup folks! never knew you guys held a blog. dat's cool. allows in some interaction bet u n us. well, came across your single 'b mine' on radio some while ago. it instantly clicked. the thing is damn good. not jst good for a mtian band, but simply good stuff,.. with the right lyrics and the right tunes. never had a chance to get hand on your other tracks. 'b mine' is true incentive to hear more frm ya. letting out the track free on the net is a great move. shows up your true spirit and we, rock fanactics, bow to you for sharing out.. i unfortunately missed all ur concerts, but hope there'll be more to come.. so here is for now, you've earned our respect and we wish you to keep rockin'


(n wat's the fuss bout the star-act shit? smack ye butt off,..we ain't give no piss, as long as it rocks. n it does! so chill out.. )

Anonymous said...

Yo kosso! hope everything's fine! I somewhat managed to get ur album while being in france... wish you all the best! even if I'm far from you, I listen to the album and remember those days when you made jams live @ G-02!!!! thanks a lot for all... good luck to all of u, MANGE ARE LI FRERE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

moi ze veu d photo de vincent ;) pke le bassiste il est preske marié... euh, vincent aussi ??? j'espere pas

Anonymous said...

hi i am an aussie an i've heard so much from ya guys!I've just listened to your single Be nice and it seems so sincere!!Vincent you're so cute...and you're voice...ooh,no comments!!You are all wonderful guys no matter what people say(i've read your commnents i as understand french).you're great together..and the energy coming out of that song is so amazing!I hope one day i can come over to Mauritius and assist one of your concerts..would be great!
Continue guys with that great job...and don't forget that limitations are only those you put upon yourselves!!!

Anonymous said...

Salut les gars je veux juste dire ke le group est hyper TOP.j'adores votre style 2 music.Vincent je trouve ke les paroles 2 t chansons sont trEs profond.mes chansons preferE sont Smile,B mine et Hit by a t'appreci bku et j'adore ta personalitE.Bonne continuation o group.

Anonymous said...

the concert u given today at cse was so good so cool
big applause
ne t'arrete ja,ais a chanter
les chansons sont tro tro bon

Anonymous said...

You all are just...TERRIFIC!! It's a shame I neva spoke to ya...someday hopefully!! If you eva need a gal to sing along wit ya..I'm here!! Serious!!!

Peutêtre qu'un jour, vous serez connus internationalement...hopefully!!

XBREED,Try & Try
Don't let your hopes dry,
Proceed & Proceed
Until you succeed...

Keep it up les gars...and ALL THE VERY BEST...

Anonymous said...

rasuré vou lé fiy...Brasse a 1 cop mé hiz not married!!just hop he won't!!!!!!(just jokin';))en tt K mw jle souhait tt le boneur du mnde ek sa cop sud-africaine..jcrwa!! l é vachmen blanche!!(Dzolé vincent!)mé joli.

votre concR éT o top o lorette surtt be mine!he!he!..just bof pr la chansn en créol,mé just keep it up guys..u rok!!

Anonymous said...

SAlut C'est Tatan de l'avenue des aigles, les gars je connais certains d'entre vous depuis que nous avons 2, 3 ans, sauf guilain qui est bcp plus vieux lol, enfin vous faites de la tres bonne musique et ca donne des frissons !!!

take good care et bonne année a tous

Jonathan Ah-Yu

God bless de Lyon, France