Monday, February 27, 2006

stay still..

Xbreed never sleeps too long...

- The next weeks are already booked for concerts and xbreed really wants a change...They've come out with the idea of having a TRUE accoustic gig this saturday at Jazzy Bar, Rose-Hill.

3 guitars and a Bass, that's the plan and it really sounds sweet. So, don't miss that one 'cause the guys are planning to play 'never heard before songs'!!

Hot news

- Xbreed's bassist, Armand, has gone on trip to his spiritual land, India. Laurent will take over for two concerts, interesting to see how it works out!

-Some Xbreed CDs are being sent to Reunion Island...So, maybe, our mauritian rock band way soon go indian oceanized!!

To book your "seat" send an E-mail at

Click here to join xbreed_supersoul
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the 11th of March @ Jazzy bar, r-hill, as from 22h00 (accoustic)

the 18th of march @ Banana, Gbay, home of their first album.


Anonymous said...

be told de whatre?

Anonymous said...

Franchement j'oublierais jamais le concert acoustic au Jazzi Bar, ct vraiment tro tro bon! Et moi j'ais adoré quand vous avaient joués l'hymne national Mauricien c'était vrément de la pure classe! Vous etes vrément les meilleurs les gas je parle pas seulment dans l'ile Maurice la ein;) Allé bonne continuation!
P.S J'adore la chanson en créole!
Ofet g un groupe aussi et on a un blog donc sa me ferais plaisir d'avoir l'avis des proféssionels

Anonymous said...

slt c Auré,bon just no zat ur ze bSt guys just kip it on!!
and...LAURENT BLACKBURN..ur so hot!!!;D